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Переведи русские слова на английский язык. Пользуйся таблицей с переводом новых слов из первой главы

To be truthful, Omri was напуганным. 

Говор, a tapping, царапание  – a high-pitched noise like – well, almost like a tiny voice. 

Just as he засыпал his eyes внезапно открылись. 

Omri sat up  резко in bed and вглядывался (вгляделся) в dark углы.

The single feather sticking out of the back of his headband трепетало (+ed). 

As Omri приближался (+ed), and his breath fell on the tiny съежившаяся фигура, he saw it jump to its feet. 

Most of the time they were разбросаны по in the bathroom, the чердак, the kitchen, the breakfast room.

«Yes, he’s fantastic,» said Omri in only a slightly нежный голос. 

I found it in the аллея.

Omri was very surprised when a большой пакет was put before him, неопрятно завернутый in brown paper and string. 

But достаточно странно he was very pleased with it. 

They had three or four металлические коробки для печенья of plastic figures. 

It was, without a doubt, very kind of Patrick to give Omri anything at all,  не говоря уже a secondhand plastic Indian that he himself had finished with. 

Узкая полоса of red satin лента was looped through one of its curly openings.

He wished instead that this маленький изогнутый ключ would turn Gillon’s present into a secret шкаф.

They just смотрели пристально  (+ed) each other. 

He stood pressed against the inside wall of the cupboard, вцепившись за(+ing) his knife, неподвижный от ужаса, но дерзкий.