The dog and his shadow

Exercise 1: Practice smooth translation from both languages

to trot along – нестись или бежать рысью/trotter le long de
a stream –  поток / un courant
a plank – доска / une planche
to gaze into the bright depths – смотреть в светлые глубины / pour contempler les profondeurs lumineuses
and lo – и вот / et voilà
a feast – праздник / un banquet
as quick as thought – так же быстро, как мысль / aussi vite qu’une pensée
to snap at the meat –  ухватиться за мясо /  enclencher la viande
to fall to the bottom – упасть на дно / tomber au fond
to grasp a shadow – поймать тень / saisir une ombre
to lose a substance – потерять вещество /  perdre une substance
a façade – фасад / une façade
for what façade the world sometimes plays in front of your eyes – за то, каким фасадом мир иногда играет перед твоими глазами / pour quelle façade le monde joue parfois devant vos yeux 

Exercise 2: Elaborate on a lesson of the story

Exercise 3: Fill in the missing word from ex. 1

We had just been talking about John ______________ he walked into the room.
It was all done in an instant, _____________________.
Pitino ________________ one reporter who approached him after the game.
A man who lived in  __________, only moving out ___________ power and manipulate the people around him.
There is no _________________ to the rumours.
Dorothy arrived, with a little dog ______________ behind her.I lay back on the sand and gazed at the stars above.
It is raining, and I am watching the ____________ of water form patterns on the windows.
Even so, much activity can be encouraged with improvised equipment such as _______, boxes, tyres and barrels.
Behind her cheerful ______________ she’s a really lonely person.

Exercise 4. Filling the missing words from the list in ex. 1.

Once upon a time … a dog had a nice piece of meat for his dinner. Some say that it was stolen, but others that it had been given to him by a butcher, which we hope was the case.

Dogs like best to eat at home and he went __________ with the meat in his mouth, as happy as a king. On the dog’s way, there was ________ with ___________ across it. As the water was still and clear, he stopped to take a look at it. What should he see, as he _______________, but a dog as big as himself looking up at him ________!

The dog has meat in his mouth. “I’ll try to get that, ”  said he, then with both mine and his ____________ I shall have!” ___________________ he ________________ the meat, but in doing so he had to open his mouth, and his own piece ___________ of the stream. Then he saw that the other dog had lost his piece, too. He went sadly home. In trying _______________ he ________________. 

You see in life, in your life, once you have what you are looking for, enjoy it and don’t risk it. ________________ the world sometimes plays in front of your eyes. And don’t be greedy!