List of English suffixes

Meanings Sample Words and Definitions
-ableable to beexcitable, portable, preventable
-acpertaining tocardiac, hemophiliac, maniac
-acity (-ocity)quality ofperspicacity, sagacity, velocity
-ade act, action or process, productblockade, cavalcade, promenade,
-ageaction or processpassage, pilgrimage, voyage
-aholic (-oholic)one with an obsession forworkaholic, shopaholic, alcoholic
-alrelating tobacterial, theatrical, natural
-algiapainneuralgia, nostalgia,
-an (-ian)relating to, belonging toItalian, urban, African
-ancestate or quality ofbrilliance, defiance, annoyance
-anta person whoapplicant, immigrant, servant
 inclined to, tending tobrilliant, defiant, vigilant
-arof or relating to, beinglunar, molecular, solar
 a person whobeggar, burglar, liar
-arda person who does an actioncoward, sluggard, wizard
-ariana person whodisciplinarian, vegetarian, librarian
-arium (orium)a place forterrarium, aquarium, solarium
-aryof or relating toliterary, military, budgetary
-atestate or quality of (adj.)affectionate, desolate, obstinate
 makes the word a verb (different pronunciation)activate, evaporate, medicate
-ationaction or processcreation, narration, emancipation
-ativetending to (adj.)creative, preservative, talkative
-cideact of killinghomicide, suicide, genocide
-cracyrule, government, powerbureaucracy, aristocracy, theocracy
-cratsomeone who has poweraristocrat, bureaucrat, technocrat
-culediminutive (making something small)molecule, ridicule,
-cystate, condition or qualityefficiency, privacy, belligerency
-cyclecircle, wheelbicycle, recycle, tricycle
-domcondition of, state, realmboredom, freedom, wisdom
-doxbelief, praiseorthodox, paradox
-ectomysurgical removal ofappendectomy, hysterectomy
-edpast tensecalled, hammered, laughed
-eereceiver, performernominee, employee, devotee
-eerassociated with/engaged inengineer, volunteer
-emiablood conditionanemia, hypoglycemia, leukemia
-enmakes the word a verbawaken, fasten, strengthen
-encestate or condition, actionabsence, dependence, negligence
-encycondition or qualityclemency, dependency, efficiency
-entinclined to performing/causing, or one who performs/causescompetent, correspondent, absorbent
-ermorebigger, faster, happier
 action or processflutter, ponder, stutter
 a person who does an actionannouncer, barber, teacher
-ernstate or quality ofeastern, northern, western
-escencestate or processadolescence, convalescence
-eserelating to a placeChinese, Congolese, Vietnamese
-esquein the style ofKafkaesque, grotesque, burlesque 
-essfemaleactress, heiress, lioness
-estmostfunniest, hottest, silliest
-eticrelating to (makes the word an adj.)athletic, energetic, poetic
-ettediminutive (makes something smaller)cigarette, diskette, kitchenette
-fulfull ofhelpful, thankful, cheerful
-fymake, cause (makes the word a verb)amplify, falsify, terrify
-gam/gamymarriage, unionmonogam, polygamy
-gon/gonicanglehexagon, polygonic, pentagon
-hoodstate, condition, or qualitychildhood, neighborhood, motherhood
-ialrelating tocelestial, editorial, martial
-ianrelating toMartian, utopian, pediatrician
-iasisdiseased conditionelephantiasis, psoriasis
-iatrichealing practicepediatric, psychiatric,
-ibleable to beaudible, plausible, legible
-ic/icalrelating to, characterized byanalytic/al, comic/al, organic
-ilerelating to, capable ofagile, docile, volatile
-ilyin what mannersloppily, steadily, zanily
-inerelating tocanine, feminine, masculine
-ingmaterialsbedding, frosting, roofing
 action or processdancing, seeing, writing
-ionaction or processcelebration, completion, navigation
-ioushaving the qualities of, full ofambitious, cautious, gracious
-ishrelating to, characteristicapish, brutish, childish
-ismstate or qualityaltruism, despotism, heroism
-ista person, one who does an actionartist, linguist, pianist
-iteresident of, follower, product ofsuburbanite, luddite, dynamite
-itisinflammation, preoccupationappendicitis, tonsillitis, frontrunneritis
-itystate, condition, or qualityabnormality, civility, necessity
-iveinclined to; quality of; that whichattractive, expensive, repulsive
-izationact or process of makingcolonization, fertilization, modernization
-izecause, treat, becomeantagonize, authorize, popularize
-lesswithoutfearless, helpless, homeless
-letversion ofbooklet, droplet, inlet
-likeresembling, characteristicchildlike, homelike, lifelike
-lingyounger or inferiorduckling, underling
-loger/logistone who doesastrologer, cardiologist, chronologer
-logspeechdialog, monolog,
-lyin what mannerbadly, courageously, happily
-mentaction, resultmovement, placement, shipment
-nessstate or quality (makes a noun)kindness, shyness, weakness
-oidresemblinghumanoid, tabloid, hemorrhoid
-ologystudy of, science ofanthropology, archaeology, biology
-omatumor, swellingcarcinoma, osteoma, hematoma
-onymname, wordsynonym, antonym, homonym
-opiaeye defectmyopia, nyctalopia, hyperopia
-opsyexaminationbiopsy, autopsy, necropsy
-ora person whoinventor, legislator, translator
-oryrelating toarmory, dormitory, laboratory
-osisprocess, diseased conditiondiagnosis, prognosis, neurosis, psychosis
-ostomy/otomysurgicalcolostomy, lobotomy, craniotomy
-ousfull ofhazardous, humorous, wondrous
-pathone who engages inhomeopath, naturopath, psychopath
-pathyfeeling, diseasedsympathy, apathy, neuropathy
-phileone who lovesbibliophile, audiophile, pyrophile
-phobiaabnormal fear ofacrophobia, claustrophobia, xenophobia
-phonesoundhomophone, telephone, microphone
-phyteplant, to growzoophyte, cryptophyte, epiphyte
-plegiaparalysisparaplegia, quadriplegia, hemiplegia
-plegicone who is paralyzedparaplegic, technoplegic, quadriplegic
-pneaair, spiritapnea, hyperpnea, orthopnea
-scopy/scopevisual examarthroscopy, gastroscopy, microscope
-scribe/scriptto writetranscript, describe, manuscript
-sectto cutdissect, insect, bisect
-shipstate or condition of, skill ofauthorship, citizenship, friendship
-sionstate or qualityconfusion, depression, tension
-somecharacterized by, group ofcumbersome, quarrelsome, foursome
-sophy/sophicwisdom, knowledgephilosophy, theosophy, anthroposophic
-thstate or qualitydepth, length, strength
-tionstate or qualityattention, caution, fascination
-tome/tomyto cuthysterectomy, epitome, tonsillotome
-trophynourishment, growthatrophy, hypertrophy, dystrophy
-tudestate, condition or qualityfortitude, gratitude, magnitude
-tystate, condition or qualityability, honesty, loyalty
-ularrelating to or resemblingcellular, circular, muscular
-uousstate or quality ofarduous, tumultuous, virtuous
-ureaction, conditionclosure, erasure, failure
-wardspecifies directionbackward, eastward, homeward
-warethings of the same type or materialhardware, software, kitchenware
-wisein what manner or directionclockwise, lengthwise, otherwise
ymade up of, characterizedbrainy, fruity, gooey