How to find your butterfly

.1. Listen again to the story “Who here ever felt ugly before”?

.2.  Practice fluent translation of new words. 

Who here has ever felt ugly before? How ugly?

I remember the first time I truly felt уродливый. I was 13 years old and about two футы (1 фут = 30 см) shorter. I новичок in my school.

One day, on my way to class I made a роковая mistake of bumping into the most popular kid in school. Michael, the popular kid, was also Michael школьный хулиган.

Hey, fat ass! Now, I have never heard those words from somebody before but they were enough предупредить me to the fact that мне причинили боль (меня задели).

After a few weeks of чистого насилия, I got angry with Michael. I вызвал его на бой. The flagpole at 3:15. You all know the place. But an interesting thing happened в день драки (поединка). My teacher had asked me to stay after class to talk about слухи о драке. It was then that she благословила me with a powerful truth. She said: “Michael feels so ugly that the only way he can найти умиротврение (покой) is to share his pain with others. You are not Michael. You are его противоположность. Find your butterfly!”

After hearing that I естественно did what any teenager would do when an adult gives him совет. I ignored it. But little did I know how right my teacher was. After the talk, I прибыл к флагштогу  for the fight. I could hear kids выть о насилии. As Michael came out of толпы and approached me with his кулаками сжатыми, ready to swing, I опустил кулаки. I said loud enough for the whole crowd to hear. I might be fat. I might be every ужасная thing that you said about me. But I will never hate myself as much as you hate yourself. I love myself.

Ревущая толпа was soon silenced. And Michael? He was застыл как доска. I walked home and I left. I was победоносным. I had won that fight не нанеся ни единого удара. And from that day on, I was never bullied again.

Understand that after a certain amount of ненависть к себе you can’t сдерживать ее any more. You заражать the world around you. Society is also винить. Society created Michael and people just like him. People that truly believe that the best way to feel beautiful is to make others feel ugly. This is not what butterflies do.

But there is good news. The opposite is also true. Изобилие of self-love can be also shared with the masses.

We put so much effort into trying скрыть боль. Admit it.  У нас гораздо лучше получается претваряться that everything’s okay instead of finally admitting that we are low on love. But how can you fully love yourself и быть ненавистным as well? If you have even столовая ложка of hate in your heart then you are not giving to people around you the full love. That mentality must change немедленно. In fact, you might even need a cosmic effect. A brief moment of чистое волшебство (божество) inside that triggers the metamorphosis.

I had my butterfly moment for the first time однажды. I was heading into work about to walk across the street when I heard тоненький голос. “Excuse me.” I spotted a young lady in a wheelchair. “Could you help me with my hat?” Ее колпак развязался. At that moment I heard my teacher’s voice. Adonis, this is your opportunity to help someone feel beautiful. Become a butterfly. As я поправлял ее шляпу I felt myself becoming more loving. Более сострадательным. Happier. And when I was finished, she gave me the biggest smile I have ever seen from a human being. And I felt real good.

Ask me how good I felt ladies and gentlemen?

Every day gives us возможность to find our butterfly. You don’t need клевая clothes, nice shoes, or lots of makeup. You don’t need a gym body, a thigh gap, and a million Instagram followers. All you need is love, мужество и сострадание. The world needs as many butterflies as we can find. So, become one! Thank you!

.3. Make a written translation from Russian into English

Как стать красивой мгновенно и навсегда.

Мир красив, потому что в нем каждый человек красив по-своему. Иначе нам было бы скучно жить в окружении 8 млрд идентичных людей.

Однако большая часть людей на земном шаре понимает красоту в смысле боли и мучений.  Например, мало кушать, заниматься спортом много часов в день, тратить большие суммы денег на клевую одежду или макияж.

Настоящая красота связана с ценностями и добродетелями. Вот четыре способа стать красивой мгновенно и навсегда:

  1. Улыбаться, быть мужественным и сострадательным.
  2. Помогать другим людям стать красивыми.
  3. Ежедневно одерживать победы над самим собой и становиться лучше сегодня, чем вчера.
  4. Делать окружающий мир лучше.