Are you a rose or a cactus?


Out there in the world, there are people who are suffering and have a heavy heart. They are doing the best they can to try to fit into their environment and it’s not sinking through. 


Imagine that we are plants. Just follow along. You are a rose, a red rose. That is your design and your DNA. That is your built-in structure. 

And someone put you out in the middle of Las Vegas. Las Vegas is amazing and beautiful. But Las Vegas is a desert and it’s hot. In this desert, you see just lots of cactuses. You, a rose, are planted in the middle of Las Vegas in the garden. You are around all these cactuses.

You don’t even know you are a rose. And you look around and you see all these cactuses. “Oh, man, they are very strong. They are very sturdy. I love their horns and how tough they are. I am impressed by how they can endure the heat. I like their strength and their resiliency. They don’t need that much water. They’re amazing”. And then you spend your whole life comparing yourself to them. You keep repeating to yourself “I want to be like them. I want to be a cactus”. 

Take the time to realize who you actually are by your design. And your design is that you are a rose. Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing? It’s neither one. It’s just the nature of you. And when you know that is your nature because you have taken the time to study it and you know that, then you cultivate it and you develop it in a different way. You take enough water, you get a different amount of sunlight and you fully take care of yourself. You nourish your body, your heart, your mind, and your spirit. And you keep filling yourself up and you become this full-fledged strong rose. And you don’t look at anyone else, you get busy cultivating yourself and become the best rose that you can be.

Then you put yourself in the proper context. As a rose, you don’t fit in with all these cactuses because that is just not your nature. You know that cactuses can withstand high heat. It can withstand not having water. But for you, the rose, it is not the case. That’s not your design. So, are you not good enough? Are you not strong enough? That’s not the point. The point is that you are not the cactus. 

Discover who you really are. Don’t try to be a tulip. Don’t try to be a lilypad, don’t try to be a sunflower, cause you are not! And the more you try to be somebody, the more it will be hurting. So, go back to study your nature. Take time to get quiet and still. And once you know yourself and appear in the right area, you will honor it. 


Train your mind to get clarity and see reality. See yourself, see others, and see your situation clearly as it is. Not who you want to be. Not what your desires are. Not what your fantasies are. But who you trully are. Many times we have a placement, we add a judgment, and we add stories to things. Slow down. Put the blinders up, as it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. Take a look at yourself fully, and then have the courage to go deep inside yourself. 

Is this journey easy? No. Is it where you can just take an hour, sit down and know who you are? No, that’s not how it works. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes endurance. Is it an easy path? No, but is it worth doing it? Absolutely. Absolutely. On the path there are difficulties. But when you pursue it, you will be able to sleep on your own bed, rest your head on the pillow and feel proud of yourself.